Learn how to contribute useful code to the individual explorer tab, by topic.

Integrate New Events in Individual Explorer

This tutorial will walk you through how to add / display additional events on the Individual Explorer Tab. Currently, the app supports events from ADMH, ADAE, ADCM, ADSL, ADLB, and ADLBC. You’ll note that most are occurrence (OCCD) class data sets which are designed to be date-oriented with the exception of ADSL, ADLB, & ADLBC. Regardless of data set class, the events tab’s module extracts important dates that you (the developer) chooses from any data set for display.

When incorporating a new date / data set into the events module you’ll not only need to consider additional UI elements, but there are two R functions to become familiar with which are introduced below.

UI considerations

In mod_indvExp_ui.R, the input called “checkGroup” & “overlay_events” are introduced to the app’s user interface. The former is for the Events tab and the latter is for the Visits tab.

# Events Tab
  inputId = ns("checkGroup"),
  label = "For additional patient events, load an AE, LB, LBC, CM, or MH",
  choices = c(" "),
  selected = NULL,
  inline = TRUE
# Visits Tab
  label = HTML("<br/>Overlay Events:"),
  choices = c(" ")

Later, these values will get populated with server side logic that depends on what the ADaMs the user uploads & the USUBJID selected. That logic can be found in mod_indvExpPat.R and a snapshot is shown below. To summarize, the code checks if a supported ADaM exists, and if it does, that ADaM is assigned an domain abbreviation to be fed to the choices argument for our two inputs: checkGroup and overlay_events. Notice how overlay_events only receives a subset of these choices, because Labs and Medical History aren’t terribly valuable vertical lines to overlay on the Visits tab.

# update checkboxes on both Events and Visits Tabs
# Initialize
checked1 <- NA
checked2 <- NA
checked3 <- NA
checked4 <- NA
checked5 <- NA
mh_names <- NA

# check for "adsl" (required), "adae", "adcm", and "adlb"
if ("ADSL" %in% loaded_adams()) { checked1 <- "DS" }
if ("ADAE" %in% loaded_adams()) { checked2 <- "AE" }
if ("ADCM" %in% loaded_adams()) { checked3 <- "CM" }
if ("ADLB" %in% loaded_adams()) { checked4 <- "LB" }
if ("ADMH" %in% loaded_adams()) {
  # For ADMH, we want to create separate checkboxes for each type of 
  # Medical History Category that exist in the ADMH for the selected patient.
  mh_names <-
    datafile()[["ADMH"]] %>%
    filter(USUBJID == input$selPatNo) %>%
    distinct(MHCAT) %>%
  checked5 <- paste0("MH_",sapply(strsplit(mh_names, " "), function(x){
    toupper(paste(substring(x, 1, 1), collapse = ""))}))

# Combine all into a list
choices <- as.list(unlist(c(list(checked1,checked2,checked3,checked4,as.list(checked5)))))
names <- c("Milestones","Adverse Events","Concomitant Meds","Labs",mh_names) # ac: labels

# build a named list & Remove NULLs from the list
choices <- setNames(choices,names)
choices <- choices[!sapply(choices,is.na)]

# update the checkbox group
  session = session,
  inputId = "checkGroup",
  choices = unlist(choices),
  selected = NULL,
  inline = TRUE)

# Version for vlines on Visits Graph
# You can only overlay Milestones, Adverse Events, and Con Meds (currently)
choices2 <- as.list(unlist(c(list(checked1,checked2,checked3))))
names2 <- names[1:3]

# Setting up colors too
vline_eventtype_cols <- my_cols[1:3] # my_cols defined in utils_strObjs.R
v_event_cols <- setNames(vline_eventtype_cols,names2)
dashes <- c("solid","dotted","dashed")
v_event_lines <- setNames(dashes,names2)

# build a named list & Remove NULLs from the list
choices2 <- setNames(choices2,names2)
choices2 <- choices2[!sapply(choices2,is.na)]

  session = session,
  inputId = "overlay_events",
  choices = unlist(choices2), # optionally convert list to array
  selected = NULL)

Notably, to add another date-oriented data frame into the mix, you (the developer) will need to add an additional checkedx where x is the next sequential number of “checked” objects. For example, if your data set is called “ADMD” where “MD” is the abbreviation for “My Data”, then you’d need to add these chunks of code into their respective positions above:

checked6 <- NA

# ...

if ("ADMD" %in% loaded_adams()) { checked6 <- "MD" }

# ...
choices <- as.list(unlist(c(list(checked1,checked2,checked3,checked4,as.list(checked5),checked6))))
names <- c("Milestones","Adverse Events","Concomitant Meds","Labs",mh_names, "My Data") # ac: labels

# ...

choices2 <- as.list(unlist(c(list(checked1,checked2,checked3,checked6))))
names2 <- c(names[1:3],"My Data")

Note that adjusting the objects choices2 & names2 are optional; only adjust if you (the developer) or subject matter experts (SMEs) deem it’s appropriate to overlay these types of events on the plot in the Visits tab.

Standardize the format of your Event data

Now that the groundwork has been established, it’s time to introduce the function called org_df_events() which has various (well documented) arguments in the mod_indvExp_fct_organizeEvent.R file. This function takes a data set and manipulates it into a standard form. After being standardized, the app can (and will) combine it with other standardized event data frames as necessary.

What It Does

Essentially, this function uses lots of shiny inputs to execute the following (among other things):

  • Validate that the date variable(s)-of-interest exist in the data set provided
  • Selects the preferred date variable, allowing for back-ups in case the user uploads a data set where that date variable doesn’t exist
  • Toggles the data source if advanced pre-filters exist
  • Filters to a specific USUBJID and non-missing date variable
  • Evaluates an expression to display a custom event Description based on other columns in the data set
  • Produces a tidy tibble, in a standard format

An Example

In the example below, an Adverse Events (ADAE) is standardized using org_df_events(). The arguments that are pre-fixed with mi_ all come from shiny, but below they’ve been populated with examples to show the typical values they accept. That said, when implementing a new events data set, you (the developer) will need to concern yourself with the first 6 arguments, all of which are well documented on the function’s help page.

  ae_dat <- org_df_events(
      df_name = "ADAE"
    , df_domain_abbr = "AE"
    , df_desc = "Adverse Events"
    , df_st_date_vars = c("AESTDT","ASTDT")
    , event_desc_vars = c("AEDECOD","AESEV","AESER")
    , event_desc = 'paste0(AEDECOD, ", AESEV: ", AESEV, ", AESER: ", AESER)'
    , mi_input_checkbox = c("DS","AE")
    , mi_input_apply_filter = FALSE
    , mi_usubjid = "01-701-1015"
    , mi_loaded_adams = c("ADSL","ADAE")
    , mi_datafile = list(ADSL = adsl, ADAE = adae)
    , mi_filtered_dat = filtered_dat

What’s absolutely imperative when calling this function is that the df_domain_abbr matches the values for the named-list of choices passed to the updateCheckGroupInput() function used to update input$checkGroup and input$overlay_events discussed in UI Considerations.

Running a publicly available ADAE data set (available through PHUSE’s gitHub) through org_df_events(), the output ae_dat might look something like the data frame below.

It will always contain these variables, but the amount of rows will certainly vary. In the example output below, we see that the column “EVENTTYP” was populated with the df_desc argument. Later, this will be the Event type label in the timevis object displayed on the Events tab.

The next column is START which used the “ASTDT” column, which makes it evident that the ADAE data frame we provided in mi_datafile (the list of data frames uploaded by the user), didn’t have the preferred “AESTDT”, so the function selected the next best date choice: “ASTDT”. It’s important that no matter how many potential dates you provide in the df_st_date_vars vector, that at least one of them is a required field according to the current ADaMIG.

Continuing on, the END variable exists only for date-oriented data sets that would benefit from seeing a visual start and end of an event. Typically, “events” happen in one day/ instant. However, an exception to this would be medical history data where events could include medical conditions that last several days, months, or years. As such, if you (the developer) wish to implement new event data that requires showing the start AND the end of an event, follow the precedent the Medical History code establishes in the next section called Build Events. At the end of the day, you just want to ensure the final output mimics the output above, for reasons that will also become obvious in the next section.

tab_st and tab_en are just character versions of START and END which play better with DT output tables in the app.

Last, DECODE contains the event description (event_desc) you want attached to those dates. So, in this instance, the app will actually display lots of information. Above, the function weaves together content from 3 different variables using the paste function: the adverse event itself, it’s severity and seriousness. However, a single column that summarizes the event would be sufficient. If you (the developer) want to supply your own static description for an event, you should include single quotes within your double quotes. For example: event_desc = "'Headache'". Doing so, will make all your adverse events take the string ‘Headache’.

Build Events

Now that we’ve organized our data into a standard format, we need to combine the events the user selects into a singular data frame to be used in the app. This task is performed in the mod_indvExp_fct_buildEvents.R file. By browsing this file, you’ll witness the function just runs org_df_events() on all the applicable date-oriented data sets currently supported (ADMH, ADAE, ADCM, ADSL, and ADLB). The only exception to these is the ADSL and ADMH files, which require custom considerations when building the standardized data frame shown above. Therefore, if you (the developer) wish to add another date-oriented data set into the mix, add your new org_df_events() function. Then, include the name of your data frame (let’s say it’s called “md_rec”) when creating this list:

uni_list <- list(ds_rec, ae_rec, cm_rec, lb_rec, mh_rec, md_rec)

That’s all it takes! A few lines later, uni_list is rbind-ed into a single data frame (hence the need for uniformity) that build_events() will sort and return in the app. Once that data is in the app, it will automatically flow through to the timevis object on the Events tab or the Visits tab, if you (the developer) allowed it to do so.

Color Aesthetics

The absolutely last steps is going to be just adjust a few colors schemes on both the timeviz object on the Events tab and the plot on the Visits tab. Why? Because consistency between the tabs will help the users quickly recognize what type of data they’re observing when the color is always consistent.

First, to update the colors on the timeviz object on the Events tab, find the file called utils_strObjs.R in the R directory. It’s there you’ll find the following code:

my_cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7,"Pastel2")

css <- paste0("
              .nav li a.disabled {
              background-color: #aaa !important;
              color: #333 !important;
              cursor: not-allowed !important;
              border-color: #aaa !important;
              .vis-item.DS { background-color: ",my_cols[1],"; }
              .vis-item.CM { background-color: ",my_cols[2],"; }
              .vis-item.AE { background-color: ",my_cols[3],"; }
              .vis-item.LB { background-color: ",my_cols[4],"; }
              .vis-item.MH_MH { background-color: ",my_cols[5],"; }
              .vis-item.MH_FDH { background-color: ",my_cols[6],"; }
              .vis-item.MH_DH { background-color: ",my_cols[7],"; }

If you are adding another date-oriented data set, you’ll manually add a new color by increasing brewer.pal’s first argument by 1 (from 7 to 8 in this case). Then, you’ll add another row at the bottom. Continuing with our example, an ADMD would add a row that looks like this:

".vis-item.MH_DH { background-color: ",my_cols[8],"; }"

Similarly, for the Visits tab, you’ll need to add the name of the new event description to an object called names2, found in R/mod_indvExpPatVisits_fct_plot.R, assuming this type of event is appropriate to overlay on such a plot. Here, we’ve actually taken the same colors as found in the my_cols vector above, but tinted them slightly darker so that they are more visible on the default grey ggplot2 background. Use your discretion whether you should tint or not. When ready, add the hex digit color to the vector below called vline_eventtype_cols, in the same element position as in names2.

# mod_indvExpPatVisits_fct_plot
names2 <- c("Milestones","Concomitant Meds","Adverse Events")
vline_eventtype_cols <- c("#80d1ad", "#f5ae7d", "#a8bde6") # dark version of my_cols

Congratulations! After completing the above steps, you should now have access to the pertinent event/dates information in the app. With any questions, please feel free to reach out to app authors/ maintainers listed in the package documentation.