Learn how to contribute useful code to the population explorer tab, by topic.
We plot points, but we graph functions.
Adding a new graph to the population explorer is a four-step process:
Each plot in the Population Explorer is a submodule
(where mod_popExp.R
and mod_popExp_ui.R
. The plotting
module is used for the reactivity logic of the plot; the widgets needed
as well as how to render them. The plot function itself is found within
This tutorial will walk you through adding a graph module and a graph
function, then applying it to the Population Explorer module using
as examples. This is what the
population explorer looked like when it first launched. Note we are
using a small (N=15) test ADSL dataset here:
Inside mod_popExp_boxplot.R
, boxPlot_ui
where we specify the widgets we need to create a boxplot, all wrapped
inside a wellPanel
boxPlot_ui <- function(id, label = "box") {
ns <- NS(id)
h4("Select axes:"),
selectInput(ns("yvar"), "Select y-axis", choices = NULL),
fluidRow(column(12, align = "center", uiOutput(ns("include_var")))),
selectInput(ns("group"), "Group By", choices = NULL),
checkboxInput(ns("points"), "Add Points?")
Note that this has two selectInput widgets, a fluidRow, and a
checkboxInput widget.
Customize this to whatever widgets your graph
The bulk of the server function, boxPlot_srv
s to populate the dropdown fields of the
widget based on the module’s data argument. The data is a reactive that
is passed down from the parent module. The boxplot itself is created
using the function app_boxplot()
, located in
. This function takes on the
selected inputs from the widget.
Here is the code for mod_popExp_fct_boxplot.R
#' tidyCDISC boxplot
#' Create boxplot using either the selected response variable
#' or if a PARAMCD is selected, then plot the corresponding value
#' and filter the data by week
#' @param data Merged data to be used in plot
#' @param yvar Selected y-axis
#' @param group Selected x-axis
#' @param value If yvar is a PARAMCD then the user must select
#' AVAL, CHG, or BASE to be plotted on the y-axis
#' @param points \code{logical} whether to add a jitter to the plot
#' @family popExp Functions
app_boxplot <- function(data, yvar, group, value = NULL, points = FALSE) {
if (yvar %in% colnames(data)) {
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data) +
ggplot2::aes_string(x = group, y = yvar) +
ggplot2::ylab(attr(data[[yvar]], "label"))
var_title <- paste(attr(data[[yvar]], 'label'), "by", attr(data[[group]], "label"))
} else {
d <- data %>% dplyr::filter(PARAMCD == yvar)
var_label <- paste(unique(d$PARAM))
var_title <- paste(var_label, "by", attr(data[[group]], "label"))
p <- d %>%
ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::aes_string(x = group, y = value) +
ggplot2::ylab(glue::glue("{var_label} ({attr(data[[value]], 'label')})"))
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot() +
ggplot2::xlab("") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(text = element_text(size = 12),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
plot.title = element_text(size = 16)) +
if (points) { p <- p + ggplot2::geom_jitter() }
Inside mod_popExp_ui
, the radioButtons
control which plot widgets and plot output the
user sees. Therefore the first step is to add your graph name to the
types of graphs we can create:
radioButtons(ns("plot_type"), NULL,
choices = c("Scatter Plot",
"Spaghetti Plot",
"Box Plot",
Next we use conditionalPanel
statements to show the
correct inputs based on which plot the user selects. When the
is Box Plot
function is called and the “boxPlot” name space
is added so that the inputs all have a prefix of both the Population
Explorer module and the Box Plot module. Do the same for your new
div(id = "pop_cic_chart_inputs",
conditionalPanel("input.plot_type === 'Scatter Plot'", ns = ns, scatterPlot_ui(ns("scatterPlot"))),
conditionalPanel("input.plot_type === 'Spaghetti Plot'", ns = ns, spaghettiPlot_ui(ns("spaghettiPlot"))),
conditionalPanel("input.plot_type === 'Box Plot'", ns = ns, boxPlot_ui(ns("boxPlot"))),
conditionalPanel("input.plot_type === '<newgraph>'", ns = ns, boxPlot_ui(ns("<newgraph>")))
On the server side we save the output of the box plot server function
to an object, p_box
. Note that this module takes on a data
argument. The user input files are properly merged and this merged
dataset is what we pass to the child plot modules. Do the same for your
new graph.
<- callModule(scatterPlot_srv, "scatterPlot", data = dataset)
p_scatter <- callModule(spaghettiPlot_srv, "spaghettiPlot", data = dataset)
p_spaghetti <- callModule(boxPlot_srv, "boxPlot", data = dataset)
p_box <newgraph> <- callModule(boxPlot_srv, "<newgraph>", data = dataset) p_
Now that we have our module outputs, we can pass the graph object to Population Explorers plot_output. Don’t forget to add the reactive callModule statement for your graph. This takes on a switch statement where we render the module object based on which plot is selected.
Note that the plot types are surrounded by back-ticks, not single quotes. On American keyboards, the back-tick resides on the same key as the tilde (“~”). Be sure your naming conventions are consistent. Don’t use lowerCamelCase for your graph name in one place and UpperCamelCase in another.
# use plot output of the module to create the plot
$plot_output <- renderPlotly({
`Scatter Plot` = p_scatter(),
`Box Plot` = p_box(),
`Spaghetti Plot` = p_spaghetti(),
`<newgraph>` = p_<newgraph>()
... })
A file called test-popExp_fct_boxplot.R
is created to
test that the plot function inside mod_popExp_fct_boxplot
generates the expected output given various inputs.
context("Create popExp Boxplot")
test_that("numeric response variable works", {
plot <- app_boxplot(tg_data, "AGE", "SEX")
expect_equal(quo_get_expr(plot$mapping$x), sym("SEX"))
expect_equal(quo_get_expr(plot$mapping$y), sym("AGE"))
test_that("PARAMCD response variable works", {
plot <- app_boxplot(tg_data, "DIABP", "SEX", value = "AVAL")
expect_equal(quo_get_expr(plot$mapping$x), sym("SEX"))
expect_equal(quo_get_expr(plot$mapping$y), sym("AVAL"))
test_that("adding jitter works", {
plot <- app_boxplot(tg_data, "AGE", "SEX", points = TRUE)
expect_equal("PositionJitter", class(plot$layers[[2]]$position)[1])
You will need to develop similar tests for you graph. Review the
package first.